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Preventive Dentistry – Spring House, PA

Keep Your Entire Family Tree Cavity-Free!

The team at NeoSmile Dental Care would rather help our patients avoid cavities and broken teeth than simply fix them as they pop up. We take a more proactive approach, so our patients can enjoy optimal oral health over time and don’t have to get more involved (and expensive) procedures. With quick and easy checkups and cleanings, we can help make sure your entire household is filled with strong and healthy teeth you’ll all love to show off. To schedule you or your child’s next appointment, give us a call today.

Smiling mother father and daughter

Why Choose Neosmile Dental Care for Preventive Dentistry?

Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Woman in dental chair smiling

If you want yourself and your children to enjoy problem-free smiles, then we recommend getting a checkup and cleaning at least once every six months. These visits give Dr. Patel the chance to closely examine a patient’s teeth so they can catch and treat any decay or damage during its earliest stages. Plus, professional cleanings will remove stubborn plaque and tartar buildup that is the root cause of cavities and gum disease, stopping the most common dental issues before they even start.

Learn About Dental Checkups & Cleanings

Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer screening tool

Oral cancer claims thousands of lives each year, and this is largely because the disease is very difficult to detect early on, leading many patients to seek out care only after it has become quite advanced. To ensure that this disease doesn’t have a chance to sneak up on our patients, we perform a thorough oral cancer screening during every standard checkup. If you notice any persistent sores, new growths, or discolored patches of tissue in your mouth, be sure to give us a call to schedule a screening right away. That way, we can help you get a biopsy and treatment as soon as possible.

Nightguards for Bruxism

Clear nightguard for teeth grinding

When you wake up in the morning, do you usually have a headache or sore jaw to greet you? This could be the result of nocturnal teeth grinding, more officially known as “bruxism.” Left alone, it can easily wear down your teeth, causing them to look flat and dull, and eventually, they can crack and fracture. Breaking this habit is extremely difficult, but we can help a patient keep their smile protected with a nightguard. This is a customized mouthpiece worn to bed that prevents the teeth from coming together, ensuring someone’s smile stays happy and whole.

Fluoride Treatment

Smiling little girl in dental chair

If you wander down your local store’s oral healthcare aisle, you’ll likely see that fluoride is added to almost every product. This mineral provides an effective and natural way to lower someone’s risk for cavities, and it’s especially helpful for children while their adult teeth are developing. During regular checkups, we can coat a patient’s teeth with a fluoride varnish that will quickly repair any minor damage that could turn into a cavity later, ensuring their smile stays healthy between appointments.

TMJ / TMD Treatment

Woman holding jaw in pain

The joint that allows your lower jaw to move is called the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. If you experience a stiff or painful jaw, chronic headaches or earaches, or persistent soreness in your neck or shoulders, it could be due to a TMJ disorder, or TMD. This can develop due to an injury, misaligned bite, or even arthritis in the joint. Fortunately, our team can provide conservative, noninvasive therapies and custom-made oral appliances that can deliver long-lasting relief while also improving jaw function.

More to Explore

I Have a Cavity or Broken Tooth I am Missing One or More Teeth I am Interested in Improving My Smile I am Looking for a Dentist for My Child I am in Pain or Had an Accident I am Anxious or Afraid of the Dentist I Want a Straighter Smile I Want to Learn About Sleep Apnea View Our Services

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