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5 of the Best Foods for Your Teeth

May 26, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhousedentist @ 7:25 pm
woman eating a salad to benefit her oral health

If you’re like most people, you grew up hearing adults tell you that too much sugar is bad for your teeth. But have you ever thought about which foods are good for your teeth? According to the American Dental Association (ADA), certain types of food can actually keep your smile bright and reduce your risk of getting cavities. Continue reading to learn about five foods that benefit your oral health.

1. Tap Water

Although it’s not technically a food, water is unquestionably the best beverage for your teeth. Drinking water after a meal or snack will wash food particles off of your teeth, preventing them from lingering and contributing to decay. If you really want to keep your pearly whites healthy, drink tap water instead of bottled water as much as possible. Most tap water contains fluoride, a mineral that makes your teeth more resistant to cavities.

2. Dairy Products

Milk and other dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, are full of calcium, which strengthens your bones and teeth. Not only that, but they’re high in protein and often low in sugar – both of which are great for your overall health in addition to your dental health!

3. Lean Proteins

Meat, eggs, fish, poultry, and tofu contain lots of protein as well as phosphorous, another vitamin that is essential for good oral health. Phosphorous makes it easier for your body to absorb calcium and fortify your tooth enamel.

4. Nuts

If you’re looking for a mouth-healthy snack that is also filling, nuts like almonds are an excellent choice. Nuts are a great source of protein and calcium while having very little sugar. Just be careful when chewing them – they’re pretty crunchy!

5. Fruits and Veggies

It’s important for any balanced diet to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. They’re just as beneficial for your teeth as they are for your overall well-being. Their high water and fiber content balances out the sugars they contain. Chewing them also causes your mouth to produce more saliva, which washes food debris and harmful acids away from your teeth. It also helps to freshen your breath!

Most of us are aware of the foods we need to eat for whole-body health, but we aren’t sure about which foods benefit our oral health. As it turns out, there is a lot of overlap between these two categories. By incorporating these five foods into your diet, maintaining a daily oral hygiene routine, and visiting your dentist twice a year for checkups, you can help your smile stay healthy for life!

About the Authors

At NeoSmile Dental Care, Dr. Amy E. Farrell and Dr. Krunal Patel provide comprehensive dental treatment for families in Spring House, PA. With their convenient office hours and a wide variety of available services, they’re sure to offer the care you need. They emphasize a preventive approach to oral health, and that includes educating their patients on maintaining a mouth-healthy diet. To learn more about foods that benefit your oral health, visit their website or call their office at (215) 643-5220.

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